Applications:- MyFitnessPal, Lose It, and such weight loss kinds of apps helps one keep track of calories, performance of given exercises and monitor the progress achieved within the application time.
Fitness Watches: – Devices including but not limited to Fitbit and Apple watch allows the user to monitor activity, heart rate and in some cases, the sleep pattern.
Food Scales: – Utilizing the relevant rather than qualitative measure when consuming substances controls the amount of calories blown out.
Planning Tool Food Containers: – These help at the beginning of the week in strategizing and controlling the quantity of food to be consumed or packed.
Body Fat Scales: – Computes the weight and guess the body fat and muscle content.
Exercise Equipment: – Equipment used here encompasses resistance bands, dumbbells, kettlebells used to do strength training, treadmill and bikes, cardio machine.
Online Channels: – Support forums or groups provide assistance in encouraging self, and lack of self blame when one does not perform gives the drive to carry on.
Healthy Cooking and Food Apps: – Healthy recipes will assist in the preparation of healthier dishes.